Sunday, July 17, 2011

19(ish) Weeks

As of this past Tuesday,
I am 19 weeks pregnant.
Different websites compared Cletus (my fetus) to different items:
heirloom tomato, a Subway sub, and a softball.
I celebrated this week by eating a Subway sub.
I even took a picture of me holding the sub next to my growing belly.
This picture was less than flattering, so I decided not to share it.
However, I do want to do a better job documenting this pregnancy, since I took very few pictures of my pregnant self while carrying Riker.
So here’s my belly…at 19 weeks, 3 days pregnant.


And, for the sake of comparison, here is a picture of my 19 week belly while pregnant with Riker.

pop belly

I’m telling myself that the stripes in the current picture make me look bigger than I actually am…


Unknown said...

found your blog and super cute!! i think you are cute in both! 19 weeks and lookin good!

Whit said...

I think you look hot and you're having a boy... that's my guess. :)

Jess said...

You look great! What a cute belly!