Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Last AZ Post…or is it??

Riker and I loved our time in AZ.
Part two of ou trip consisted of more eating and fun outings.
Here’s some highlights:

Diamondbacks Games

Arizona! 153

Riker seemed to enjoy the game.
There were plenty of bright lights for him to stare at!

Arizona! 132

My dad’s tickets are pretty awesome…
unless you are terrified of heights.
The seats are on the first row of the third level.
You can see the entire field perfectly,
but if you lean forward, you just might fall to your death.
I held onto Riker tight!


My last day in AZ, dad took me and my sisters to ride our quads.
The weather was perfect and we had a great time!

My dad has these awesome goggles that made me look awesome.
And Jessica always looks awesome!

quads3 quads4

Summer found my camera when I was out riding…
I have about 10 pictures of her making faces just as awesome as this one.

Riker also spent plenty of time outside.

Lounging by the pool… swing

and swinging in the swing.
We had so much fun and I was sad to leave…


TJ got an internship in AZ for the summer and Riker and I are going with him!
We will be in AZ mid-May to mid-August
so we will have plenty of time to enjoy more AZ activities!

1 comment:

Christie Knight said...

Riker is such a cutie! when you come back next month, we need to have a family get together...or if you want to drive all the way to the middle of no where, you guys can come over to our casa!