Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Eggs on Easter Eve

Happy day after Easter! TJ and I had a pretty chill Easter, spending time with my family and eating more food than any human should actually consume. I didn't take any pictures of our Easter celebration (because I suck) but I did capture the joy that was Easter Eve. I was actually able to convince TJ to color Easter eggs with me this year, which was an amazing feat on its own!
Who's excited to color Easter eggs? TJ is!

TJ got bored (about 2 minutes into it) and he started creating things out of a paper towel roll.

The finished products (can you tell which ones are TJ's?)

And TJ made a fantabulous video starring one of his eggs, but the silly video thingy isn't check back later to see if I got it working!


Lindsey said...

I like your Easter egg faces. Next year we should do them all together... we learned it's more fun the more people you have!

The Gunnell's said...

Cute eggs! I wish I could of talked steve into coloring eggs for easter. can't wait to see the movie!