Sunday, October 21, 2012

Life According To My Instagram

The majority of our lives lately has been consumed with our latest move.
When we came home from Ohio, we found a reasonably priced apartment to live in until we figured out our next step.
After living there for about a week, we were eager to get out and our six month lease could not end soon enough.
We found a great house to rent and while TJ was traveling for work, I kept myself busy by packing up all our belongings.


Diet Coke and Downton Abbey really helped me survive the long, endless days of packing.


I wasn’t able to accomplish a whole lot while Olivia was awake, since all she wants to do is climb on/in the boxes. Or she’d pull everything out of the box while my back was turned. She’s lucky she’s so cute!


Riker spent an embarrassing amount of time playing iPad…while Olivia napped, Riker played his games/watched Netflix, and I packed.


Finally, the last box got packed up and we were ready for the big move.
Thank heavens for wonderful friends and family who could be there to help us!


Of course, to maintain our sanity we had to leave the house sometimes.
Riker is pretty much the best little buddy, except when he “acts his age”…he’s lucky he’s so cute, too!


But he is growing up awfully fast. And that makes me a teensy bit sad.


I mean, my goodness, he’s already shaving!


But he is definitely my cheeseball and loves to be silly and goofy with me.


So does this girl. She does this thing when eating where she bites down on the spoon, scrunches up her nose, and giggles…its quite adorable!


In addition to this being “moving weekend”, it was also “Baby Lexie’s Baby Blessing Weekend”…and since we were blessing baby Lexie (my sister Summer’s new little bug), my sister and her crew drove down from Utah.
And since all of the sisters are in town at the same time, a party just had to happen!


Also, cousin play dates. Riker doesn’t know his Utah cousins very well so he was loving the chance to play with some new friends!


And, of course, Lexie’s baby blessing. The perfect opportunity to snap a picture of the whole fam-damily!

Life has been busy and oh so crazy…and I don’t see it slowing down any time soon!

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