Friday, November 25, 2011

turkey day 2011

Thanksgiving 2011 was perfect.
Completely low-key and stress-free.
I’m all sorts of pregnant these days, and I did not want to deal with the stress of orchestrating a large turkey day feast like I did
last year.
Fortunately, our fantastic friends stepped in and took care of every thing.
I made rolls (from a can) and stuffing (from a box)…so I totally contributed!
We literally ate until we thought we’d never be able to eat another bite again…
then went back for more a couple hours later!

photo (35)

\There is no way I can write a complete list of everything that I am thankful for, so I’ll just state the obvious.

my husband
my son
my soon-to-be-here baby girl
my family
my friends
my Church

an incompletele list…but definitely the things that matter most.

(oh, and I’m having a baby in 6 days…no biggie)

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