Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Miracle

This weekend TJ drove to Utah with his buddy David. They left Friday night, and I was very concerned about the two of them driving through the night in the snow. My feelings of apprehension were calmed when TJ called to let me know they had made it safely early Saturday morning (aside from the fact that David's heater wasn't working so the drive up was FREEZING!). When I talked to TJ Sunday, he and David were planning on having lunch with their mission president so they weren't going to be home until the wee hours of the morning. Around 10:00 Sunday night I got a call from TJ saying they were just outside Flagstaff, so I was excited that they were making pretty good time. Then, around 11:30 I received another phone call from TJ...this time, he opened with "Don't worry, everything is fine, I am okay, but...we were in an accident and the jeep flipped over." I was surprisingly calm as TJ explained that the jeep rolled over about 4 times on an overpass, slamming into the wall at least once, and all their stuff fell out of the jeep and over the overpass wall. Luckily, the jeep did not tip over the edge. I called my dad to see if he would be able to drive to Flagstaff to pick the boys up if they needed him, but soon received word from TJ that David's father in law would be picking them up...but in the meantime they were going to stay at a hotel in Flagstaff until morning. TJ came home this afternoon and proceeded to share with me all the pictures he took with his phone...the jeep wasn't as smashed in as I feared, but when I see how close to the edge of the overpass they landed I realize just how blessed they were. They were very much protected and are very lucky to have been able to walk away from this accident. Aside from some sore muscles, TJ made it home safely (and is never allowed to leave my side again!) 
( I mentioned, TJ took this pics with his phone so forgive the dark blurriness)


EmileeandJonny said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! I TOTALLY would have been freaking out- good thing you were able to stay calm!!!! How SCARY! Glad they were ok though, and yes, don't let him out of your sight!!!

Karisa Tomkinson said...

I don't even know what to say! What a blessing he is safe and okay! That's honestly the second rollover accident I've heard about in the last 2 days. I'm so glad that everything is okay. I am honestly so surprised. You're right, that was a miracle. Heavenly Father is definitely watching over your TJ. Love you!

Unknown said...

YIKES!!!That's about all I can say. YIKES!! The Lord must have something in store for those boys to have protected them.

Christie Knight said...

OMG! Thank goodness they were all right! Heavenly Father was def. keeping an eye out for them!